Friday, July 5, 2013

Self Control

I’ve worked with teenagers for more than 10 years and any story you can imagine I’ve heard, witnessed or experienced. They light themselves on fire with hairspray, shoot fireworks at each other in a tag game, surf on the back of moving vehicles, put icy/hot rub in places that should never be “icy-hotted” and and and. Self control is not exactly the cornerstone of life for teenagers.

This past week I read a few articles in SI about what happens when athletes start to get out of control. Murder charges, failed marriages, PED allegations or even just professional extortion as they vie for a bigger contract from another team in their free agent years.


Then this morning I open up the book of Titus and it reads as follows:


Titus 2: 6:7
Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled. In everything set them an example by doing what is good.

The Bible is always so simple, yet so counter-intuitive to how we live. We feel big when we tell stories of all the crazy things we did/experienced over the weekend, but here we are encouraged to make our younger years be marked by wisdom and self control

Which takes more strength – going along with the crowd when something is going down, or having the will power to say no because you want to live wisely?

To stand up for what is right, or to give in to temptation?

Great reminder today from the scripture about self control. I guess I’m coming to the cusp of no longer being in “my younger years”, but I don’t ever want to come to the place where someone could say that I had lost control.

My prayer for today and for life – Lord help me live large and love life, without ever losing control.


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